
Aphra Behn
Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Dostupnost: Ihned

Aphra Behn\'s Oroonoko, the story of an African prince\'s enslavement by British colonists and his journey from West Africa to the Caribbean, is the first literary work in English to portray what came to be known as \"the triangular trade\". This edition features a generous selection of thematically organized historical materials including explorers\' descriptions of the \"new world\" of the Caribbean, planters\' accounts of the sugar colonies, firsthand accounts of the slave trade from Dutch and English traders and abducted Africans, and early abolitionist publications by Europeans and former slaves.

Počet stran: 56

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-4111-7

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)


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Informace Hodnocení Ukázka

Aphra Behn\'s Oroonoko, the story of an African prince\'s enslavement by British colonists and his journey from West Africa to the Caribbean, is the first literary work in English to portray what came to be known as \"the triangular trade\". This edition features a generous selection of thematically organized historical materials including explorers\' descriptions of the \"new world\" of the Caribbean, planters\' accounts of the sugar colonies, firsthand accounts of the slave trade from Dutch and English traders and abducted Africans, and early abolitionist publications by Europeans and former slaves.

Počet stran: 56

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-4111-7

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)

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