The Firm of Girdlestone

Arthur Conan Doyle
Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Dostupnost: Ihned

Father and son team John and Ezra Girdlestone are facing the financial ruin of their family business. In order to save the firm and the family name, the duo come up with a series of devious plans in order to cheat and trick their way into a fortune. Will the cunning pair succeed? This is a gripping story full of fascinating and villainous characters from the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. -

Počet stran: 406

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-3879-7

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)


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Father and son team John and Ezra Girdlestone are facing the financial ruin of their family business. In order to save the firm and the family name, the duo come up with a series of devious plans in order to cheat and trick their way into a fortune. Will the cunning pair succeed? This is a gripping story full of fascinating and villainous characters from the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. -

Počet stran: 406

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-3879-7

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)

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