The Jacket

Jack London
Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Dostupnost: Ihned

You can't move. You can hardly breathe. Your mind is the only escape you have. That's what Daniel Stranding discovers in San Quentin prison. Strapped into a strait jacket, he learns to enter into a trance and journey back through his past lives. He's been an advisor to Ponticus Pilot; a shipwrecked sailor on a desert island; a nobleman in Renaissance France. These memories grant him wisdom and respite from the horrors of his present. "The Jacket" is a startlingly original delve into the human condition. It was inspired by Ed Morrell, a friend of Jack London's who served time for bank robbery. Especially recommended for fans of thought-provoking science fiction.

Počet stran: 10

Rok vydání: 2021

ISBN: 999-00-039-5328-5

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)


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Informace Hodnocení Ukázka

You can't move. You can hardly breathe. Your mind is the only escape you have. That's what Daniel Stranding discovers in San Quentin prison. Strapped into a strait jacket, he learns to enter into a trance and journey back through his past lives. He's been an advisor to Ponticus Pilot; a shipwrecked sailor on a desert island; a nobleman in Renaissance France. These memories grant him wisdom and respite from the horrors of his present. "The Jacket" is a startlingly original delve into the human condition. It was inspired by Ed Morrell, a friend of Jack London's who served time for bank robbery. Especially recommended for fans of thought-provoking science fiction.

Počet stran: 10

Rok vydání: 2021

ISBN: 999-00-039-5328-5

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)

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