The Lay-Man's Sermon Upon the Late Storm

Daniel Defoe
Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Dostupnost: Ihned

‘The Lay-Man\'s Sermon Upon the Late Storm’ is a thought-provoking political pamphlet written by Daniel Defoe. In this essay, Defoe discusses the Church of England’s reaction to the great storm of 1703 that killed over a thousand people in England. The Church claimed that those who died deserved it for their sins and Defoe smartly and satirically disputes this line of thought. In an original and witty manner, Defoe claims that 18th Century England would put moderates to death as extreme views were the norm. Defoe’s writings on religion and politics were controversial at the time and led to him being imprisoned but they also influenced many other politicians. This book remains relevant as it preaches centrism and peace in a fractured society. ‘The Lay-Man’s Sermon Upon the Late Storm’ should be read by anyone interested in politics and religion as it provides great insight into an interesting time in history.

Počet stran: 32

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-4012-7

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)


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Informace Hodnocení Ukázka

‘The Lay-Man\'s Sermon Upon the Late Storm’ is a thought-provoking political pamphlet written by Daniel Defoe. In this essay, Defoe discusses the Church of England’s reaction to the great storm of 1703 that killed over a thousand people in England. The Church claimed that those who died deserved it for their sins and Defoe smartly and satirically disputes this line of thought. In an original and witty manner, Defoe claims that 18th Century England would put moderates to death as extreme views were the norm. Defoe’s writings on religion and politics were controversial at the time and led to him being imprisoned but they also influenced many other politicians. This book remains relevant as it preaches centrism and peace in a fractured society. ‘The Lay-Man’s Sermon Upon the Late Storm’ should be read by anyone interested in politics and religion as it provides great insight into an interesting time in history.

Počet stran: 32

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-4012-7

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)

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