The Murder Book of J. G. Reeder

Edgar Wallace
Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Dostupnost: Ihned

Laying the foundations for the likes of \'Silence of the Lambs,\' starring Anthony Hopkins, \'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' follows an investigator with the mind of a criminal. From the outside, our hero looks downtrodden and unremarkable. However, beneath his docile demeanour operates a fiendish brain; one that could be employed for good or for evil. In this book, Wallace gives us an anti-hero that is initially hard to like but becomes completely understandable towards the end.\'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' is a great read for fans of the characters Hannibal Lecter and Sherlock Holmes.-

Počet stran: 219

Rok vydání: 2023

ISBN: 999-00-038-4361-6

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)


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Laying the foundations for the likes of \'Silence of the Lambs,\' starring Anthony Hopkins, \'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' follows an investigator with the mind of a criminal. From the outside, our hero looks downtrodden and unremarkable. However, beneath his docile demeanour operates a fiendish brain; one that could be employed for good or for evil. In this book, Wallace gives us an anti-hero that is initially hard to like but becomes completely understandable towards the end.\'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' is a great read for fans of the characters Hannibal Lecter and Sherlock Holmes.-

Počet stran: 219

Rok vydání: 2023

ISBN: 999-00-038-4361-6

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)

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