The Poison Belt

Arthur Conan Doyle
Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Dostupnost: Ihned

Must Professor George Challenger and friends, barricaded in a room, see Earth die? As globe passes through a belt of poisonous ether, terror sweeps mankind; cities riot; communications cease. Novella.

Počet stran: 59

Rok vydání: 2017

ISBN: 999-00-038-2522-3

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)


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Must Professor George Challenger and friends, barricaded in a room, see Earth die? As globe passes through a belt of poisonous ether, terror sweeps mankind; cities riot; communications cease. Novella.

Počet stran: 59

Rok vydání: 2017

ISBN: 999-00-038-2522-3

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)

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