The Road to the Open

Arthur Schnitzler
Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Dostupnost: Ihned

A coming-of-age novel, \'The Road to the Open\' follows the complicated liaisons of composer, Baron Georg von Wergenthin. While a talented man, Wergenthin lacks motivation and, instead of working, prefers to socialise with members of the Viennese bourgeoisie. A committed Christian, his life becomes even more complex when he finds himself falling for a Jewish girl, Anna Rosner. Through this story, Schnitzer documents the collapse of the freethinking Austrian society, as antisemitism and patriotism start to take its place. A classic novel from one of Vienna\'s most noteworthy authors, this is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work. 

Počet stran: 314

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-4407-1

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)


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Informace Hodnocení Ukázka

A coming-of-age novel, \'The Road to the Open\' follows the complicated liaisons of composer, Baron Georg von Wergenthin. While a talented man, Wergenthin lacks motivation and, instead of working, prefers to socialise with members of the Viennese bourgeoisie. A committed Christian, his life becomes even more complex when he finds himself falling for a Jewish girl, Anna Rosner. Through this story, Schnitzer documents the collapse of the freethinking Austrian society, as antisemitism and patriotism start to take its place. A classic novel from one of Vienna\'s most noteworthy authors, this is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work. 

Počet stran: 314

Rok vydání: 2022

ISBN: 999-00-038-4407-1

Online publikace (formáty ePub, MOBI)

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